Although my father & I do not agree on this...I think they should regulate snowmobile (and other recreational vehicle) emissions. The reason I believe this is because yesterday, I pulled up to our local Stewart's to get $4 in gas (it's all I had in my pocket), and there were some snowmobil-ers across the parking lot. Right after I finished pumping my gas and before I hopped back in my vehicle, they fired up their machines, and within seconds my body was saturated with the stench of their emissions (from across the parking lot.) I am an asthmatic (which I was not diagnosed with until I was 27 years old)...and it totally discusted me that just a handful of people with a few machines could be that disrespectful of not only the environment, but of other human beings' lungs. I climbed into my van smelling like 10 seconds worth of snowmobile exhaust, and vocalized to my daughter how irresponsible it is, and how it should be the government.
Don't get me wrong...I am not some bias, ignorant environmentalist (like some are)....I grew up riding a snowmobile with my family, and had a lot of fun speeding (and trespassing)through our country fields...(don't tell)...
my Dad always suspected I was a tree hugger.
Snowmobile riders should still be able to ride, but some super intelligent research scientist should develop some kind of filter that they can snap onto their engines, to filter all of that noxious crap from being released into our very precious clean air. What a great thing it would be to know that our Grandchildren, or our friends Grandchildren will not have to burn up in an explosion of fiery gases someday because we couldn't be bothered to care about the one planet we have to steward. Maybe we should all start taking small steps to a cleaner, healthier planet.
ps. sorry Dad.
My father is a wonderful, intelligent man, that loves to explore the great outdoors on his recreational vehicles...I love my father...and I know he loves God's green Earth as much as I do...he just needs an exceptionally talented research scientist to develop a little filter to snap onto his sled so that he can ride happily & healthily, emission-free, through Kelly Stand, Vt., or wherever his adventurous heart takes him :)
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