The Thinker.
Before he was even born.
First of all, I am a Republican/somewhat conservative, but am a very open, accepting, compassionate, empathetic, individual.
I am not satisfied with our President of choice, but then again the choices were totally unsatisfactory in general. I believe a lot of ignorant people are excited about Obama, just because they hated Bush, so therefore they believe that because he is the exact opposite in many ways of Bush, this is the equivilant of "better" or even "great."
I totally disagree with his signing of the partial birth abortion bill. Partial birth abortion is an absolutely ridiculous practice! How can you hate war, but allow a doctor to suck the brains out of a fully developed infant? I am not some psycho abortion protestor, carrying sick discusting signs down the main drag of a large city, for all of tarnation to see (including small children, and pregnant women), trying to induce horror to scare people into not committing the act of abortion, but I do completely disagree with the practice in itself. It is a form of birth control for most, and it is lazy.
The other day while thinking about abortion, I came up with an idea! How about we say, "sure, one CAN get an abortion if one wants to"...(which leaves the consequence on the back of the persons performing, and recieving the abortion)...but there should be some followup to the procedure...such as required counseling to prevent it from happening again, and also the woman should be required to get "implanon", which is a non-abortificant form of birth control, unlike its counterparts (the depo-provera shot which is extremely unhealthy to a woman's overall health and well-being, and the birth control pill which has room for error(missed pill and what not).
Implanon is an actual implant of something that they inject into your inner arm, that releases a low dose of estrogen into your body, and prevents unplanned/unwanted (if you want to call it that) pregnancies for 5 years. If you want to become pregnant, you simply go to the gynocologist and have it removed. Within 24 hours you can safely become pregnant if you would like to.
People that murder other people go to prison...but yet we are now supporting an act that in my eyes, and a lot of other people's eyes is atrocious. Why not legally force a consequence for abortion. The woman/girl that chose to get the abortion done, didn't want children in the first place, so why not follow it up with forced birth control, that is non-abortificant? That way everyone is ultimately happy, and it would prevent future repeat abortions by the same individuals.
I have 4 children of my own. They were not entirely planned pregnancies, but in the same sense they were not unplanned...because of insurance complications, timing, etc. They were unplanned but WANTED CHILDREN.
I thought I may be pregnant (again...with our 5th child). I would never think of getting an abortion! Yet, we have thought that we would stop after 4, and I would get implanon, in case we changed our minds down the road...well, upon going to my appointment to get the implanon procedure done, the billing dept. told me the insurance company would not be able to cover the procedure! It is an $875 procedure, and this leaves us with limited "planning" options, because of my religious convictions. I left the office with no implanon.
After my husband called our insurance company they said they WOULD cover it for a $25 copay (which, duh, is a lot cheaper for the insurance company than, say, having to pay for full prenatal coverage and most of the birth expenses!)...anyway, this is the only birth control I will use for spiritual reasons...because it is non-abortificant.
There is a family that I know of (they attend my parents church), that have tried to have children, but have instead had 6 miscarriages in a row. They know a girl who gets pregnant, and then goes to get an abortion. They asked the girl "the next time you get pregnant, would you carry the baby to term and we would adopt your baby?" She said "I would rather kill my baby, than have someone else raise it." She has killed at least 6 children through birth control type abortion. These are the types that get away with abortion, and continue to abort, with our tax dollars, and with no conscience about it, (or consequence) whatsoever.
Required implanon. Make it a law. If you don't want children, than do something about it, before you get pregnant.
Since when was the conscience of America totally sociopathic...with no conscience, consequence, or justice?
Babies are not even safe in this country anymore. The real terrorism is on our children, and that is all I have to say about that.
oh, I could not agree more! made me sick to my stomach, such ignorance, and hypocritical behavior! No, we certainly have not been high on the hog here the last few years, but frankly, I don't think this fellow will make it much better or "Solve all my problems..." btw, I think we are very similar in our political views.Glad you commented on my page, I think I shall follow this;)
ReplyDeleteOh and I saw the title in your profile, "A year without made in china" local library did not have it, but interlibrary loan did, and yep, it is coming to me, super excited!
how did you like " a year without made in china."? It makes you think twice when out at the box stores...hopefully before you enter the doors of the box stores...shop etsy!!!